Some recommended books for parents helping a child or adolescent overcome mental health problems include:
Treasure, J. A Skills based approach to helping with Eating Disorders
Huebner, D. What to do When your Brain Gets Stuck: A kid's guide to overcoming OCD and What to do When You Worry Too Much.
Lock, J. and Le Grange, D. Help Your Teenager Beat An Eating Disorder
Musby, E. Anorexia and other Eating Disorders.
Eva Musby also has a lot of great free videos on the website.
Some recommended books for raising children generally include
Biddulph, S. Raising Boys
Webster Stratton, C.The Incredible Years
Hallowell, E. The Childhood Roots Of Adult Happiness
Wolf, T. and Franks, S. Get Out of My Life... But First Take Me & Alex Into Town
Wiseman, R. Queen Bees And Wannabes
Damour, L. Untangled
Lisa Darmour also has a great podcast called Ask Lisa
Books recommended for adults with mental health difficulties include:
Fairburn, C. Overcoming Binge Eating
Schmidt, U. Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e)
Light, A. You are not a Before Picture.
Books and articles for those interested in the debate about the impact of social media and screen use on children and adolescents:
S.Greenfield Mind Change
S. Palmer et al Letter to the Guardian (25/12/16) and reply by P. Etchells et al (6/1/17)
V. Bell et al (12/8/15) BMJ editorial and reply by S. Greenfield same date.